We started with a business meeting to vote on reimbursing the Club Secretary for PMC stickers (passed), charging non-members $25 for the upcoming Michael Ammar lecture (passed), replacing club officers who go missing for 6+ months (passed), and once again requiring club officers to pay dues (passed – yikes, the gravy train is over).
And then, magic happened…
Frank Pastula started us off with an effect called Imp which assured (?) us there were no devils present. David Boehm amazed us with Position Impossible, a CAAN by Brent Braun, and then Jeff Peterson performed a Torn and Restored Newspaper, complete with some comedy headlines from the paper. The newspaper was already torn when he started so he only did half the work, but still got all the applause. What the heck?
Doug Northway performed a mental effect he called Money Money, which was a natural for him since he’s the Club Treasurer. He then entertained us with the story of his trip to the bank to get the bills needed for the effect, and the tellers giving him the side eye. Ed Mukai demonstrated a card effect called Random Shuffle complete with an “official” pamphlet showing exactly what happens when cards are shuffled together face up and face down. Miraculously, the pamphlet got it exactly right!
Club Secretary Jay Jennings closed out the performing part of the meeting with the introduction of a mentalism piece he’s working on called Runaway. The feedback he received afterward gave him some great ways to tighten up the piece and make it more dramatic.
Many of the members hung out for another half hour or so, sharing tips, showing tricks, and just generally having fun talking about magic.
Click the following pictures to see full size pictures. Photos courtesy Jay Jennings and Tank Hanna.